Why We Build Trust First for Innovation Success

Collaborative consulting

Build Trust First” is Innovation Vista’s mantra on all engagements relating to change, transformation and transition.  We believe it is absolutely necessary for success!

Gartner reports that 75% of Digital Transformation initiatives will fail, highlighting particularly higher risks when these are seen as “IT Projects”.  That is a daunting estimate, but one based on real facts and track records.   ..and one we believe is based on human nature…

Building trust is not just a soft skill or a corporate buzzword; it’s an essential prerequisite for the successful implementation of any digital transformation initiative. The digital age has redefined the traditional notions of trust, and businesses must adapt accordingly. This comprehensive guide aims to elucidate why and how to build trust before diving into digital transformation, leveraging real-world examples and actionable insights.

Why Trust is Paramount in Digital Transformation

Trust serves as the cornerstone in the complex architecture of digital transformation. At its core, digital transformation is a radical rethinking of how organizations use technology to radically improve performance and reach. However, no amount of cutting-edge technology can compensate for a lack of trust within the organization, with stakeholders, or among end-users.

The ROI of Trust

Trust quantitatively affects key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer retention, employee engagement, and operational efficiency. A study from Accenture found that companies with high-trust environments outperform their low-trust counterparts by 106% in total return to shareholders.

Trust as a Business Imperative

Trust is not optional; it’s a business imperative in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape. Building trust requires a multi-faceted approach, involving stakeholders from across the business spectrum.

C-Suite and Trust

The role of the C-Suite is pivotal in establishing trust. Their leadership sets the tone for organizational culture, ensuring alignment between words and actions.

Trust Across Organizational Silos

Cross-functional collaboration is essential for fostering trust. Silos, whether they’re departmental or hierarchical, impede the flow of information, making it difficult to build a unified, trustworthy operation.

Building Blocks of Trust in the Digital World

In the digital context, trust comprises several key elements:

  1. Transparency: Openness in operations and decision-making
  2. Integrity: Unflinching adherence to ethical norms and values
  3. Accountability: Willingness to take responsibility for actions and outcomes
  4. Competency: Demonstrable ability to deliver on promises and expectations

Actionable Steps to Establish Trust

  1. Conduct a Trust Audit: Evaluate existing levels of trust across stakeholders.
  2. Develop a Trust Framework: Create guidelines and policies aimed at cultivating trust.
  3. Communicate Actively: Maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders.
  4. Measure and Iterate: Employ KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your trust-building initiatives and refine them accordingly.


Trust is not a one-time endeavor but a sustained commitment that underpins every facet of a digital transformation strategy. By understanding its pivotal role and actively working to foster a high-trust environment, organizations can significantly enhance the likelihood of their digital transformation success.

The value of trust in digital transformation is incontestable. Organizations that recognize this truth are better positioned to navigate the complexities of the digital world, gaining competitive advantages that go beyond mere technological superiority.

Contact us if you’d like to Build Trust First for your organization’s strategic IT initiatives.