Disaster Recovery CIO Services

Expert Help for a Complex Aspect of Recovery

Expert IT Leadership for Recovery from a Disaster Event

Recovering from a disaster is one of the most complex challenges a business leader will ever face.  You are confronted with a huge number of additional decisions and actions required on top of normal responsibilities keeping your customers up-to-date and keeping your business up and running, right at a time when you and a large number of your team members may be struggling with personal life challenges such as health issues, living situations, etc. due to the event.

Our Disaster Recovery CIO Services are aimed to take one of the largest challenges off your plate, that of recovering your IT platform, enabling you to transfer this entire project to an expert C-level consultant with experience building/recovering technology like what your organization depends on.

Stabilize Optimize Monetize

An Advisor with Experience Leading IT Staff & Vendors

Focus on Recovering Your Business While We Recover Your Tech

Leveraging our consultant team of hundreds of proven experts, we will engage a C-level IT consultant with experience overseeing and operating tech platforms similar to your environment.  They walk in the door with a solid base of knowledge, ready to understand any special requirements or insights you have for your organization &/or IT specifically.  We conduct business-minded triage to recover your technology capabilities, aligning our recovery priorities to the needs of the overall organization, to minimize the delays/limits to operational status as much as possible.

You are in control of how much involvement the rest of the leadership team should have in the recovery effort.  For some situations, a collaborative approach is critical to ensure interdependencies are accounted for; in other situations a divide & conquer approach provides the quickest path to recovery.  Our consultants have skills and experience to lead and oversee every potential aspect of your recovery, including:

Disaster Recovery
IT leadership
Disaster Recovery
Virtual CIO firm
IT Consultant

When time is of the essence, Expertise is essential

Experience When it Matters Most

Seasoned leadership matters most when recovering from a crisis or disaster.  Our consultants have developed expertise handling similar challenges for similar organizations, and they understand the criticality of bringing your company back online as quickly as possible with a minimum of customer & staff disruption.  They understand when to collaborate with leadership to align on strategy and when quick action & decision-making are needed.

If your organization is in need of this kind of expertise to recover your IT platform from a disaster or crisis, we’d be glad to speak with you…