M&A CIO Services

IT Expertise for M&A Execution

Proven IT Leaders to Navigate an M&A Event

As part of our Interim CIO Services, Innovation Vista offers targeted services to support M&A transactions across their full life-cycle.

Mergers & Acquisitions are among the most complex business events for leaders to navigate. Depending on the strategy post-acquisition, technology aspects often lead to failure.

For this reason, the experience of Innovation Vista’s consultants is invaluable, as is our commitment to aligning not just technical expertise but industry knowledge.

Our approach, and the depth of our consultant network, make Innovation Vista a “one-stop shop” for any organizations exploring a merger, acquisition, or investment:

Strategic IT Guidance for your M&A vision

What is an M&A CIO?

An M&A CIO provides IT leadership and strategy guidance to an organization seeking to acquire another enterprise, either in whole or as a “carve-out” from another organization.

In Innovation Vista’s approach, these are experienced C-level IT consultants who have extensive experience in the industry of the purchaser and/or acquired company.  They lead the IT due-diligence assessment of the target organization(s), then collaborate with leadership on a strategic plan for how to execute the transaction most efficiently.

Depending on the strategy of the acquirer, this may involve stabilizing the acquired company’s IT platform and organization, integrating it into the parent company’s IT, or dissolving it altogether.  Ensuring successful interim system operations can be an enormous challenge with organizational changes of this magnitude occurring in the acquired company.

Engaging an experienced CIO/CTO for this effort is critical, as time is often short and room for missteps is small.  If you’re interested in leveraging one of our seasoned IT leaders for an M&A event, we’d love to discuss your vision for the transaction.

IT Consultant
IT Consultant
Proven IT leaders to Chart a Course through a Merger, Acquisition, or Investment event

Our consultants:

Possess decades of experience with the strategic decisions needed for success in enterprise technology for your business

Collaborate with your leadership and staff to align IT strategy to your strategy & culture, and to the needs & goals of the M&A transaction

Have familiarity with the business model(s), terminology, IT strategy, and IT systems of your industry

Are armed with our proprietary Innovation framework and toolkits to determine the best options for your organization’s IT

Are IT professionals with deep experience with IT strategy, including IT infrastructure, IT applications, data and analytics

Provide M&A IT leadership services to clients on a short-term basis, collaborating on a vision for the future and then leading the organization toward it

IT Expertise Makes all the Difference in M&A

Enable a Better Post-M&A Future for Your IT

Mergers & Acquisitions can be among the most stressful and uncertain times for organizations and their IT departments. Aligning IT strategy with the vision for the overall M&A transaction ensures that technology will be a successful part of the transaction.

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