Monetize IT

beyond "lights on" & beyond efficiency

Tech & Digital Capabilities Can Drive Revenue

You don’t have to be a software or hardware company for IT to enable or accelerate your revenue.  Capabilities and efforts to monetize tech are driving top-line growth in B2B & B2C companies, in product and services companies, from small to extremely large.

A collaborative process to surface ideas

Our Mindset and Framework Unlock Opportunities for Monetizing IT

Our process harvests revenue opportunities by combining your business & industry knowledge with our technical knowledge and innovative mindset.  This looks different for each client, but we’ve had success with combinations of these ideas monetizing tech:

IT departments transformed to Profit Centers

A Real-World Track Record Driving Revenue with IT

We have multiple success stories showing how Monetizing IT has succeeded for different clients, including these:

If you believe there may be an opportunity for technology investments to move the needle on your revenue and market-share, consider whether it’s time to bring in an outside expert. We’d love to discuss our ROI-guaranteed IT Assessment program with you…

Read more about Monetizing IT

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CIO Success Factors

Critical Success Factors for CIOs & CTOs

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) have become more critical than ever.