Private Equity IT Consultant

Proven IT Leaders with Track Records in the Private Equity Space

Private Equity IT Experts

Private Equity groups and Hedge Funds are critical components of our society and economy, which were born from innovation and disruption from technology and automation.  Our consultants have experience leading IT for many organizations in many sectors across the industry, as listed below.

Many consulting firms believe that what works well in another industry will work just as well in private equity tech consulting, and try to assign consultants to IT projects in the industry whose only experience is in traditional business strategies.

Our experts know where “general best practices” work well vs. where there are real nuances about private equity which must be taken into account by technology leaders, such as the exit strategy, timetable and constraints on capex/opex, and the potential options for navigating the competitive landscape which don’t exist for a traditional business.

IT Strategy for Your Private Equity Niche

Private Equity Functions Covered

Business Leaders First - Then Tech Leaders

Our Unique Approach to Private Equity Tech Strategy

Like a lot of consulting practices, we help clients stabilize their IT platforms, secure their networks, and optimize their architecture, service levels and tech budget.

Unlike a lot of consulting firms, we build trust first and align our strategy to your overall strategy before taking these steps.  The “right” approach to technology very much depends on your positioning, objectives, and culture.  Is low-cost a competitive advantage or can tech capabilities pay off with a huge ROI in automation and efficiency?

Also unlike a lot of consulting firms, we help clients Innovate Beyond Efficiency by identifying ways to monetize tech and data to create new revenue streams and/or accelerate your existing business model’s top line.

This will look different in private equity IT consulting than in traditional businesses, and different in each of the sub-sectors listed above, but we often find ways to either increase sales frequency, shorten the sales or execution cycle, or create a capability which wins market-share from competitors who can’t match it.  Let’s work together to reveal what true innovation can look like for your organization.