Jeff Roberts Named an Exceptional Leader to Follow

Leadership and Innovation

Magnate View magazine has named our founder Jeff Roberts to their list of Top 5 Exceptional Leaders to Follow for 2024 and put him on the cover for their edition. Their editorial staff interviewed Jeff and posted an article about his views on the impact that leadership has on innovation.

Jeff was extremely happy to have been honored, saying “I’m humbled by the award, as there are so many outstanding leaders out there, and I really appreciated the opportunity to highlight the importance of leadership to innovation. Many people believe that innovation is mainly a technical challenge, and certainly there is technical knowledge required to know what’s possible, and the best course to chart to achieve it. But to me, leadership is the more critical ingredient to real innovation, and the one which most often makes the difference between success and failure in leading-edge work. Particularly on that leading edge, there are no proven solutions or examples on which to base a design or vision; that makes the composition and culture of the team so critical. You need the right brains engaged, and you need them working together in a supportive high-performance mode; that’s where servant leadership makes a huge difference.”


Many people believe that innovation is mainly a technical challenge … but to me, leadership is the more critical ingredient … and the one which most often makes the difference between success and failure in leading-edge work.

– Jeff Roberts, Founder & CEO, Innovation Vista


The interview covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • Leadership Qualities Contributing to Success
  • Key Trends and Challenges in the Industry
  • Adapting and Thriving in a Changing Landscape
  • Overcoming Major Obstacles
  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation
  • Resources and Learning Experiences Impacting Leadership Style
  • Building and Nurturing a Strong Team
  • Incorporating Social and Environmental Responsibility
  • The Importance of Digital Transformation
  • Essential Skills for Success in Business
  • A Different Approach to Team Building
  • Influencing the Business Landscape
  • Our Significant Achievements and Milestones


Overall, it forms a great summary of Jeff’s leadership style and philosophy, and a clear description of how Innovation Vista takes care of our clients and delivers them real business impact through technology.

Jeff’s thought leadership content can be viewed on our !nsights page, our Youtube channel, or by following him on Linkedin.

The Magnate View article is available here.